Sunday, March 12, 2006

Keith Green

I really love Keith Green's songs. He was one of the "Jesus People" and considered by many to be a prophet. I repent every time I listen to "Create in Me a Clean Heart," for example (which of course, is simply Psalm 51 set to music). If you haven't heard it already, you just HAVE to listen to the song entitled "Altar Call," which really just sounds like the most moving altar call ever. If you want it, then just email me and I'll try to get it to you. Anyway, I was reading a little about Keith online tonight and found out he was just 28 when he died in a plane crash. That's just about my age.


Anonymous said...

He is a definitely the prodigy of his time! I love Keith Green especially his song "My eyes are dry" speaks of a generation whose hearts are hardened.

anyway my new blog is at

Tyson said...

man, daniel! i was starting to worry about you--seriously! i read some of your blog and glad to hear you are doing ok, despite the jezebel incident. oh well, you know ... sometimes it's better that way, right?

Anonymous said...

i like keith, but he was a little bit before my time. the greatest loss that i felt was when ruch mullins died. i closely identified with his life and songs, and it was a profound loss for me. i haven't found a singer/songwriter since with whom i've built a connection.

Anonymous said...

I remember hearing about him, but he was before my time, I think...

Tyson said...

you guys should seriously consider seeking out his songs.

interestingly, keith was willing to give away one of his most famous albums for free to people who wanted it, so i don't think he'd mind if we shared some of his songs digitally. (i believe he gave away some 60,000 albums for free.)

email me if you'd like me to send you some of my favorite keith green songs.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for KG post,
KG's music has influenced me more than anything else on the planet almost. I have listened to him for so long. He has also influenced me as a musician, to be very honest and real in my lyrics.
Thanks for posting,