Saturday, May 21, 2005

My blog gets the "Slashdot effect"

Oh yeah, baby! Slashdot editor Zonk wrote a little piece about the growth of Asian blogging and used my reference to the Wired article. It was on the Slashdot homepage yesterday and generated a whole bunch of hits for my blog. When a link on a popular website points to a smaller site and generates a flood of traffic, it's called the Slashdot effect. I guess it's called that because Slashdot was one of the popular destinations for early web users (computer geeks) and bandwidth and a more important resource back in the 1990s, making traffic spikes more meaningful.

It was funny to read my StatCounter today and see all the visitors using Linux computers and alternative browsers such as Opera. Slashdot readers are also very, very international, and I got people coming from all over the place.

The Slashdot effect is just another example of how technology, especially the Internet and ubiquitous computing, are changing societal interactions. And that's why I think it's important for Christians not to shun blogging and other constructive online pursuits.

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