Thursday, December 01, 2005

Oh, what to blog?

I've been pretty busy lately, but if I had more time I would love to blog more often. Here is a list of potential posts brewing in my head:

1) A "What I've been reading post." I've gotten back into reading books. Our apartment is within walking distance of the Issaquah library and I was reading about one a week during my unemployment. Now, I'm reading on my lunch break and before dinner. Books I've read so far: Thousand Pieces of Silver and Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah (the first is a wonderful account of early Chinese history, tied to the origin of popular Chinese idioms, or chenyu, and the second is the author's gripping autobiography). Wild Swans by Jung Chang, another autobiography which is deservedly more famous (or infamous, for it's expose of China under Mao). The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1 and 2, by Justo Gonzalez--a very readable, condensed account of Christian history. The Catholic Church: A Short History by Hans Kung, who I learned later was actually a primary author of the Vatican II document and Catholic theologian who spoke out against Roman popery. And I'm now reading the humongous biography of Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow, published last year. This last reading is really eye-opening for me, especially since I don't remember learning a lot about Hamilton. He certainly deserves a post from me in the future.

Anyhoo ... One of the reasons I've been more busy is because of work. At my current job, they've got me on an hourly wage, which is good for them but not so good for me. At my recent one-month review, I asked if I could get paid for working an extra hour every day, and they agreed. I figured that if I'm not going to get a salary, where I would get the same pay regardless of hours worked, then I may as well make the most of my situation.

The good news is that work is not as frustrating any more, and I'm definitely learning to become a more detail-oriented person.

Heh, silly me, forget to finish my list ... I also would like to blog more about my evolving personal beliefs regarding, er ... evolution. Also about President Bush and political stuff I've been loathe to touch so far in this blog. Neither of these potential posts offer extreme views, but I feel anxious nonetheless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting info on your site!

Don Macaluso (Pat's Dad)
Bainbridge Island