The May 23rd edition of BusinessWeek magazine has a cover story titled, " Earthly Empires:
How evangelical churches are borrowing from the business playbook." The article looks at the innovative, business-like strategies employed by fast-growing evangelical churches. An interesting note at the end of the article points out that, depsite the success of these churches, American culture has become ever more "vulgar" (That's the word they used). Ouch.
The really interesting pieces are on the online-only interviews with the major pastors featured, including Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Lakewood Church's Joel Osteen, World Changers Church International founder Creflo A. Dollar, and Windsor Village United Methodist Church's Kirbyjon Caldwell. I was very impressed by all the interviews, but especially so with Warren and Caldwell's. Even though I disagreed with what Ps. Dollar and Osteen said about prosperity doctrine, their interviews improved them in my estimation. For example, Dollar explained he would never buy a Rolls Royce for himself, but that it would have been rude to reject the gift from his church. Not something I would do, but I can at least see his point.
Warren said many good things in his interview. I am so thankful this guy gets media coverage, because he really comes across as a sensible guy without compromising his beliefs. He is also a big contrast to the prosperity doctrine folks in that he doesn't have to drive fancy cars or wear designer suits. He talked about the need for a balanced political view that includes social justice, and said his church grows because of changed lives, not because of nice facilities. Warren, a Southern Baptist, sees things in a very pragmatic way, which I think is sometimes not helpful for Christians who are led by the Holy Spirit. Still, I think his marketing strategy and use of the Internet are examples of "being wise as a serpent, but innocent as a dove." Check out his Ministry Toolbox.
Thanks, Amy, for the link to the BusinessWeek story!
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