Thursday, May 31, 2007

NYTimes op-ed on evolution from Sam Brownback

As you may know, I like Sam Brownback for President in 2008. He stands for "pro-life, all-of-life," or something like that, which emphasizes respect for human life not only in the beginning and end, but also for human lives that are being lost in Africa and in our nation's jails. Truly, he is a compassionate conservative.

During the recent Republican presidential debates, Brownback was one of only a few candidates that said they did not believe in evolution. Brownback explains his position in an opinion piece in today's New York Times. Basically, he re-states the Catholic church's position as his own, which is not a bad thing in my mind since I tend to agree with that viewpoint.


Berkana said...

What do you presently think of Sam Brownback?

He cut taxes for the wealthy, manufactured a fiscal crisis, and now seeks to make up the difference with consumption taxes that disproportionately burden the poor. I am quite relieved he did not become president.

Tyson said...

Hi Berkana, To be honest, I haven't followed him very closely since 2007.