Monday, August 21, 2006

Half-life of my wife's anger

(I usually don't post on personal stuff, especially regarding my marriage, but I think this is an acceptable exception.)

A scientific observation: My wife's anger takes up to six hours to fully decay, whereas my anger decays in just two hours. Extrapolating, I'm guessing my daughter will take four hours to cool a hot temper.


Bipin Sen said...

ahem.. "scientific" observations given like a true english major.. hehe... :-)

your title is 'half-life' and then you give numbers for something to fully decay. ummm... that's "full-life". so the numbers would look like: wife = 3h, you = 1h, your daughter = 2h.

also, since your daughter's value is within the range of known data, calculating her value would be interpolating and not extrapolating.

hehe... hope that's acceptable for a critique.

and stop irritating your wife... ;-)

Tyson said...

yes, that's acceptable. anyway, at least you knew what i was talking about!

Mickey Sheu said...

What if her anger follows a harmonic mean?

Tyson said...

