Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Spiritual hunger

Over the last couple months, God has given me a lot of grace. Even though outwardly, my financial situation is not the greatest, I've been able to "stay on target" and focus on God's kingdom and His righteousness, trusting that He will provide everything my family needs. A month ago, a really old prophet guy named Dick Mills ministered at our church and told me that I would find favor with God and man. I've seen it come to pass recently as I received a promotion and raise at work, while also receiving a call back on one application I sent in a couple months ago. Tomorrow, I'm going in to talk to one more person about a potential job that seems like a really great opportunity. It's with a small marketing communications firm that focuses on Seattle-area technology companies, and would allow me to build on my previous experience in Washington, D.C. I believe this job is from God (the full story behind this deserves another, separate post).

Anyway, I've grown more hungry for the things of God as of late. Every small group and Sunday service is charged anew for me. I've become much more bold in saying what I believe God wants me to say--not chickening out from speaking about spiritual things. I think there are a number of reasons for my increased spiritual hunger. One is the grace of God. Another is probably the prayers of others, not the least of which is my mother, who I know is always faithful in prayer for our family. Another reason is the spiritual food of which I've been partaking as of late. Last couple months it was Spurgeon and a 12-part series on faith by my pastor. I also was quickened by a couple teaching CDs from Rodney Howard-Browne, who I admit is a very controversial minister, but who provides something unique and necessary, I believe. This month, I've been reading the biography of John Sung, who was called the Wesley of China.

All of these have contributed something to my current prediciment: I desparately want revival in my own life, my church, and my city! Not to be presumptuous, but I want God to use me in helping to start revival like what attended Johnathan Wesley's ministry or the Great Awakening in America. Do I sound prideful? Well, I certainly don't feel it. In fact, the opposite, because my growing expectation is tied to a growing realization of what such revival would require. I am far from holy, or even totally yielded, for that matter.

Just thought to let you guys in on my secret thought-life for a little bit. I'm sorry I haven't been able to post more frequently, but life really has been busy. Thanks for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Revival studies apparently show that the gaps between great revivals are getting shorter and shorter. And at a personal level, it's possible to seek and live in some kind of daily revival, right?
Also, CONGRATS!! Your blog is nearly a year old! Thank you for posting so many insightful, original and greatly encouraging blogs that have brightened up parts of the vast online universe for God's kingdom!

Anonymous said...

Take that energy to your church leaders and tell them where you're being led. Perhaps they're feeling the same!

And, congrats on the promotion and raise! You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

I believe God will use you in bringing revival. People are more spiritually hungry today than in a long time, and as (somebody?) pointed out, there's a lot of Biblical illiteracy today. That kind of situation can be spiritually explosive as people are introduced to the real Christ. The Holy Spirit, I believe, will show you where to do his work--according to Henry Blackaby's Experiencing God study, we should watch for places and situations where God is at work and join him there. When we notice such a situation, he says, that's our invitation to join him there.