Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Berean or Pharisee?

Pastor Burt in my blogroll wrote a convicting post about having a critical spirit like the Pharisees, rather than a genuine heart for the truth like the Bereans. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the Pharisees were religious leaders that opposed Jesus because He challenged their theology. The people in Berea are mentioned in Acts 17 as eagerly receiving the Apostle Paul's message and examining the Scriptures to check its veracity.

It's great to have discernment and know correct doctrine, but we ought always to remember the difference between a Berean and a Pharisee.


Anonymous said...

a pharisee is a berean who figures there's a loophole around every commandment...

ok that wasn't too witty. at seven in the morning, what do you expect? :-)

thanks for your comments. it would be fun to see more of your family on here too.

Tyson said...

"ok that wasn't too witty."

erhm ... let's just say, keep your day job for now, bipin! :-P

yeah, i would like to post more stuff about my whole family, but my wife is wary of her picture being online. i will definitely post more photos of cora, however.

Anonymous said...

wary as in it creeps her out that her picture will be out there for the whole world to see and photoshop? or wary as in she doesn't think anyone needs to see her?

ok... here's another one.. what did the nun exclaim as she walked into the monastery?

Tyson said...

well, let's just say that i've learned not to argue about things like this. if she doesn't want her picture on my blog, then i'm not going to put her picture on my blog. funny thing is, she loves looking at other people's pictures on their blogs. ha ha ...

i'll send you a family photo via email though, so you won't go crazy wondering.

what did the nun say? i'm not too good at these, so please forgive me for not guessing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good reminder! thx