Saturday, March 25, 2006

"That I may not only be called a Christian, but be found to be one ..."

I've been thinking about the situation of our brother Abdul Rahman in Afghanistan. It just reminded me how Christians ought to be truly mindful of their position in Christ. When we are found in Christ, we are not of this world, and the world will hate us. I guess in places like Afghanistan, Christians are well aware of their position, but what about here in America? It's so easy to forget that we are called to be radically different than the majority of society.

In some ways, I envy Rahman and others who have a chance to make clear their commitment to Jesus. Without a doubt, if he is actually killed (whether by the government or by vigilantes after his trial), his example will be a tremendous example for us in the western world that we "may not only be called a Christian, but found to be one." Those were the words of Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, who was sent to be executed in Rome near the end of the first century. In his letter to the Roman church, Ignatius asked they not try to free him, but allow his death in the imperial coliseum to be a powerful witness. He wrote, "For if you are silent about me [allowing me to be executed], I am a word of God; but if you love my flesh, I shall again be only a voice."

"I am the wheat of God and I am ground by the teeth of wild beasts so that I may be found the pure bread of Christ." ~ Ignatius of Antioch


Anonymous said...

Horace has a great post about this today. I've been praying for him. Like the new pic, BTW

Tyson said...

saur, that guy's not kidding when he calls himself a scholar! that's a cool blog find! i've found another interesting one that i've added to my blogroll: