Monday, February 27, 2006

Jewishness is paternal, maybe

I'd always heard you were a Jew if your mother was Jewish, but this guy I talked to today pointed out that King David's lineage in the Bible includes at least a couple non-Jewish women (Ruth and Rahab).

... Consider your daily quota of random controversy filled. The real reason posting has been light recently is because we've moved to be closer to my parents down in Renton. The plan is for my wife to go back to work part-time and my mom to look after Cora. Our new place is nicer, but I'll miss Issaquah.


Anonymous said...

yay for nice places. we've been thinking about moving for a while, mostly to give priya more yard space.

thanks for your comment. :-)


Tyson said...

yeah, little kids need space, trees to climb, grass to roll in, bugs to eat ...
