Friday, December 23, 2005

Confession #2: Surreal night river scene

I grew up in a pretty boring town about 30 miles south of Seattle. For restless teenagers, there wasn't much to do except drive around and cause trouble. I expect a lot of my confesions will come from this period. (Which reminds me, does anyone know the specifics on the statute of limitations?)

My friend and I had been driving up to this big construction site near the Green River. The cities of Auburn and Kent were building a new road over the river and up the East Hill, and since the road was uncompleted, it was real dark and quiet. We'd climb up on the big bulldozers and throw rocks down the hill. There were quite a few of those A-frame stands with blinking lights, and somehow we had the brilliant idea to dump these from the bridge into the river. We had competitions to see whose stand would float the furthest before settling at the bottom. Even in deep portions of the river, the blinking lights were still visible.

The next couple days, we were on the look-out for more road construction sites that had those A-frame stands with blinking lights. At night, my friend and I collected them in the back of his pickup and brought them to join their brethren in the watery depths.


I have to admit I do feel some shameful pride (oxymoron?), remembering my criminality. It was just so cool. I think you have a license to cause this type of trouble when you are young, but only for a few years. Anyone care to confess some of their criminal histories, even if anonymously?


Anonymous said...

I admit to nothing. No one saw me do it, no one can prove anything.

Have a Merry Christmas, you and your family. I always enjoy your posts.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, where do I start? And I may want to put a few adult indiscretions under the teenager label, so I don't get in trouble... ;o)

I love the nativity scene post. It's very interesting!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

this is an interesting post topic.. i had put in a past "confession" but then i got to thinking... we're living in the world of google. every word ever released into the ether-net is sucked up by those servers and stored for perpetuity... i still have to maintain a professional image towards my present and any future employer. six years from now, i don't want to walk into an interview where the person googled the word "bipin sen" and came up with all sorts of interesting things... :-)

which is an interesting thought on blogs... how much to reveal? how much to hide?

Tyson said...

haha, bipen. your previous confession was sent to my inbox, so i got to read it even though google didn't. i know what you mean about digitized information and the net. it's scary stuff, but i think it's something we have to get used to to a certain degree.

anyway, there's something cathartic about confessing.

Anonymous said...

and you get my point exactly! confession, almost by definition, is person to person. i wouldn't have any problems "confessing" to you or any other individual for that matter. it's just the nature of broadcasting information that i'm not comfortable with. i hope you enjoyed reading what i deleted earlier! :-)