Thursday, December 22, 2005

Confession #1: Horror of horrors

This is the first of my "Confession Series," in which I will divulge my most intimate and scandalous secrets ... all for your reading entertainment.

My first confession is a pseudo-confession, cause it's not really anything I did wrong, just something terribly embarassing. The scene is my 7th grade English class with Ms. Graf, who had a German sense of sternness to go along with the name. We were doing some sort of book assignment in class when, meaning to call for the teacher, I accidentally addressed her as "Mom." It was quiet when I spoke so there was no one who did not hear my plantive cry. The silence was horrible and I really wanted to die right there. Everyone was embarassed--even my classmates held back their snickers for a few, still seconds as they imagined themselves in my ordinary but tragic circumstance. Well, at least now I know how Condi Rice felt when she referred to President Bush as her husband.

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