Thursday, December 08, 2005

Cancelling church for Christmas

I don't really know what to make of this. The New York Times reports that eight megachurches, including Willow Creek, are not holding services on Christmas Sunday (it falls on a Sunday this year) in order to promote a more family holiday. To be fair, the church has produced a special Christmas DVD that congregants can watch in their living rooms, gathered 'round the Christmas tree. And it is being flexible and innovative, which is good from time to time.

But I can't help feeling uneasy ... just how accommodating are "seeker sensitive" churches willing to be? As for my church, I expect attendance to be more than normal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whaaaat? I hadn't heard of this one yet. Here's the straight poop: Christmas is because of Christ's birth and originally meant Christ Mass. Now, do all these families really need the full day to play with their toys??? They can't take two measly hours or less to pop their heads in the door?