Monday, November 14, 2005


Not many things really make me mad, but somehow Singaporeans have a special skill in rubbing me the wrong way. (The super-extraordinary exception is Amy, of course. Please understand, Amy!) Where do these air-conditioned Asians get off arguing endlessly about animal rights while participating in the most cruel exploitation of humans??!!

I just lost all of you there, I know, but I'm ranting so cut me some slack. As much as I hate to admit it, I do end up reading Xiaxue's blog sometimes. She's always been tremendously controversial, and I've always thought the controversy was stupid. If people hate her so much, then why don't they just not read her site?

Finally, I understand. Here's what made me pissed off enough to 1) admit I actually read her blog 2) write a post simply to let my feelings be known: Little Singaporean princess Xiaxue recently blogged about her trip to Bangkok. She takes pictures of all the cute little animals at the Chatchujak Market and comments on how they don't really deserve to be treated like humans, like in Singapore. Then she goes onto blog about her visit to strip clubs and sex-tourist traps in Patpong, making blithe comments about how the transexuals look so much better than the worn-out bar girls, or about how some woman can perform freak-show tricks with her vagina. Makes me sick ... not the tricks, but the fact this show is actually a must-see among Singaporean tourists.

I wanted to flame, something that doesn't happen often with me. So I go to the comments section, which is filled with Singaporeans fawning over the cute animals and theorizing (oh, those Singaporeans can think deep thoughts when it comes to animal rights) about whether the animals feel claustrophobic. "But what about the PEOPLE?" I'm screaming in my head. Apparently, no one gets the irony of animal rights juxtaposed with human exploitation.

So, Xiaxue, if you read this, remember you are who you are: a famous girl with little regard for real justice, without ideals (apart from physical beauty), and who will one day grow up and realize how stupid she's been.


Anonymous said...

oh-thank-goodness, i was beginning to think i was one of the few who sometimes reads xiaxue and then needs to scream a bit. i also found myself posting about xiaxue.

but animal rights? to wish to take home a bunny so snuggle and "let it free" when she goes home? the poor little bunny would surely die. sigh.

Anonymous said...

oh, and by the way, i was born in longview and now live in the midwest. perhaps a bit of mount st. helens makes me steam from time to time. hrmm, nahhh. it was the bunnies, truly it was.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. I fully understand. Some fellow islanders make me want to weep! A sense of irony/reality may be missing from the national gene. (And blogging may magnify all that cos of the extra posturing, flaunting and hyper-pseudo-expressiveness!) We don't have the perspective of mountains, as one Singapore writer said. But, virtues exist. Hopefully you'll come across some uplifting sites.

Tyson said...

well, i've heard there is a "i hate xiaxue" club, optymyst. maybe we can join.

amy: i was being somewhat hyper-pseudo-expressive in my post. i don't really hate all singaporeans not named amy, just the spoiled ones that blog. and i guess i don't hate the people, just their blogs.

Anonymous said...

An Anti-Xiaxue Club will paradoxically please her, right? She has these "Me versus Mob" posts that show she revels in prickly negative power, kind of like some filibuster-happy senators in DC. Think Jesse Helms. : ) The solution is insightfully contained in your own post - one day she'll grow old and live with regret. Seems like a few tell-all young women bloggers, like the Beijing girl and the Washingtonienne, are inviting controversy, knowingly or not.

By the way, I'm excluding you from the ranks of hyper-pseudo-expressive bloggers! If you do rant, rarely, I can tell it's with real reason.