Saturday, November 05, 2005

Catholic church advocates scientific reasoning

Wired News carries an an intriguing AP article about the Catholic church's warming to modern science. The story quotes a cardinal who represents the pope in cultural issues, and says Catholic believers should learn from modern science and that evolution has proof that makes it more than a hypothesis.

Interesting stuff. I really respect the strong stance the Catholic church takes on certain matters, especially in regards to the sanctity of conceived life (I differ on contraception). But the same dogmatism that pleases me when confronting modern social issues rubs me the wrong way when applied to the relgious sphere. I don't see how some of the Catholic church's practices and beliefs are valid simply on the basis of tradition alone, for example.

In regard to the Catholic church's effort to reconcile religion and science, I am abivalent. I don't know how to express what I'm feeling, because my feelings are quite vague right now. Maybe give me a couple days to mull it over ...

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