Saturday, November 19, 2005


It's interesting that the domain is apparently owned by a Baptist missionary group. The purpose of the domain is to catch web users who mis-type blogspot and then bombard them with proof the Bible is true ... and also load a few pop-up ads while they're at it. Strange.

Via Terrance's Blog.


Anonymous said...

Weird, but better than porn at least...

Tyson said...

true. i guess, in a way, street preaching is a sort of spam, not that i'm against street preaching.

Anonymous said...

Good intention, but anything beyond the fact of presenting christianity as an examined proof of its authenticity, it is a site hoping many will stumbled there by chance. Read through the site, some of its statements are theologically contradicting. (not wrong entirely, but i wish the author would put it more clearly on certain issues such as baptism as a requisite for salvation).

Tyson said...

at first i was really skeptical about the site, especially since they used icky pop-ups that busted through my firefox and googlebar pop-up suppressors (like drudgereport). but then i read their "about us" page and it seems there is a pretty sincere, if somewhat overly hopeful, group behind this. in the end, all i can say is that it is strange. kind of like the time i was walking on the street in colville, wa, (in the middle of nowhere, at night) and two guys ask me, "do you have Jesus in your heart?" strange.