Why boycotting Chinese goods is a bad idea ... oh, let me count the ways.
My otherwise reasonable fellow blog person, Polanco, has an odd link on her blogroll. It's the Boycott Chinese goods, buy American! blog. At first I thought it was some wry sense of humor, poking fun at ignorant American folk. But then I realized it was indeed ignorant American folk!
Apparently, these guys think boycotting America's factory is somehow a good idea. How they came up with this idea is beyond me, but to their credit they claim a boycott will improve human rights, labor practices, and environmental policy in China, not to mention free Tibet, ensure a democratic Taiwan, get the Chinese to scrap their nuclear arsenal. I'm assuming the Chinese people will love us for saving them as well.
I'm not going to bother pointing out the economic and political realities that make such a scheme impossible, but I want to note an eloquent post in which our dear Polanco argued against listening to experts and relying more on the Average Joe to determine our national policy. Er ... I think I'll stick with the experts for now, thanks.
1 comment:
Several things:
1)Great pictures of the kid. She's a cutie.
2) On Experts: I think we should listen to hem, but not blindly accept what they have to say.
3)China: My mom visited China and a lot of my ideas are based on her visit and the papet I helped her write for the class that accompanied the visit. I don't know what to do about China. I am reading everything I can on the subject. I do believe that it is wrong to conduct business with countries that are so ideologically opposed to us.
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