Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The sound of silence

This is a photo of the golden record that is onboard both the Voyager I and Voyager II spacecraft. On it are a number of earth sounds, such as thunder, waves, and wind. The records also include music, human voice greetings in 55 languages, and instructions on how to play the record. NASA reports Voyager I has reached the last reaches of the solar system, called the heliosheath, beyond which lies the great emptiness that is space. Awesome. I can imagine the little spacecraft speeding out into the vast expanse. It really puts things into perspective, and if people really take time to think about it, emphasizes that we humans are not gods, after all.

I think I recall one of the Voyager spacecraft was at the center of a consciousness in the sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey. Not sure, though.

UPDATE: Ah, I was thinking of a Star Trek movie where Voyager VI is known as V-ger. Anyhoo ...

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